E-Learning Chinese is a professional international Chinese teaching center and Mandarin teacher training organization in Shenzhen from 2017.We have 8 centers in China.(Shenzhen 3 centers, Beijing,Guanzhou,Hongkong,Xizang,Shijiazhuang) and 3 centers in the world. (Nepal,Seoul,Vancouver) All of which have a very Chinese-feeling environment to allow you to better assimilate into the sea of Chinese culture.
E-Learning Chinese is also an officially recognized research center for Chinese teachers, and an IPA certified teacher training organization. We have already sent over 200 Chinese teachers to other Chinese language schools all over the world. Only teachers who have been heavily tested can be retained, we are able to provide our students with professional service.
It was founded to provide Efficient Mandarin Study Program, Quality Teaching Service and Overall Control System to oversea companies, expat families and individuals.
Through various Chinese language courses and cultural activities, we would help our foreign students to improve their skills of commercial and daily communication, culture exchange and living practice.
Every learners who come from different countries, own different background and have different learning purpose can achieve their mandarin study target ,and also, we will let you know more about Chinese history, culture and customs, in this way, you can make your life and work more comfortable and convenient in China.
We are always ready working for your Chinese language、culture needs and Interests.
E-Learning Chinese是一家专业的国际汉语教学中心和深圳市汉语教师培训机构,从2017年开始,我们在中国设有8个中心(深圳3个中心,北京、广州、香港、西藏、石家庄),在全球设有3个中心。(尼泊尔,汉城,温哥华)所有这些都有非常中国化的感觉环境,让你更好地融入中国文化的海洋。
E-Learning Chinese也是一个官方认可的中文教师研究中心和一个IPA认证的教师培训机构。我们已经向世界各地的华文学校派遣了200多名华文教师。只有经过严格考试的教师才能留用,我们才能为学生提供专业的服务。